31 Oct-2 Nov 2023 Reims (France)

Call for communication

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the call for communications to participate in ACAPS 2023 is now open. The deadline for submitting a communication is April 30 May 12, 2023.

You will find the complete call for symposium and communication here : 


Call for communication and symposium


General informations

The Teaching and Research Unit in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (UFR STAPS), a component of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, has been selected to organize the 20th International Congress of ACAPS in 2023.

This bi-annual international event, which brings together researchers in sport and motor sciences, will take place from Tuesday, October 31 to Thursday, November 2, 2023 on the "Campus Croix Rouge" of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.


Submissions theme

The relationship between physical activity and sport and its environment is plural. A concept with multiple meanings, the environment can be understood as a diversified space (physical, economic, social, virtual, etc.), a space of interactions where the individual evolves in a singular way by acting with, on, by or through. Depending on the target audience (disabled people, children and teenagers, seniors, amateurs, competitors, etc.), the types of interactions are varied (man-machine/tool, man-man, man-natural/standardized environment, etc.) and involve a set of actions, concerns, and specific sensations during the physical and sports activity.
During this congress, we will question all of these relationships by zooming in on the way in which we can live and move in these environments, act and interact, adapt, transform and even optimize them, in order to respond to the plural stakes involved in the practice of Physical and Sports Activities (health-performance-socialization-etc.).
It is the multidisciplinary spirit of motor analysis that is at stake in the Physical Activity and Sport Environments at the very moment of prescribing physical activity for patients, the awareness of climate change and persistent organic pollutants, the rise of virtual reality, but also in the ethical stakes of the high-level athlete on the horizon of the Paris 2024 Olympics.


Submission format

Abstract submissions will be made via the "New Submission" menu on this site, by filling in the text boxes provided (no file submission).

Title: 180 characters maximum

Abstract: 500 words maximum (not including bibliographic references), including only text (images, figures and tables are not allowed) and respecting the following structure:
    - Introduction
    - Theoretical framework(s) and Methodology
    - Results and discussion
    - Conclusions and perspectives
    - Bibliographic references (maximum 5, APA standards 7th edition)

Keywords: 3 to 6


Abstracts can be written in French or in English. 

Participants of an accepted symposium will be required to submit their papers in the call for papers starting March 1, 2023.

Any participant in a thematic symposium will be allowed to speak in only one symposium.


Communication format 


1h20 (3 to 6 talks of 10 to 25 minutes) + 10 minutes general discussion

Total duration 1h30


Oral presentation outside symposium 

10 min presentation + 5 min questions


Scientific poster

A0 portrait format


Official congress website


Please check it regularly to follow the congress updates.



Remember to register early and save money.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Scientifically and sportively yours

The organizing committee of ACAPS 2023

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